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How to Use the DNI Checker

How to Use the DNI Checker

This drug-nutrient interaction checker shows you potential interactions between prescription and OTC drugs, with the nutrients you may recommend.

To view a nutrient interaction report: Enter the name of a drug or nutrient. The results will display all potential nutrient interactions.
To check interactions between two items: Enter the name of the drug or nutrient. Then enter the name of the drug or nutrient you’d like to check it against.


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Interactions Report

  • Negative Interactions

  • Supportive Interactions

  • Needs Explanation

Other Supplement Interactions

  • Negative Interactions

  • Supportive Interactions

  • Needs Explanation

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Drug interaction information in TraceGains Interaction Checker™ is not intended to replace information supplied by a doctor or pharmacist; neither is it intended to replace package inserts or other printed material that may be available or accompany a particular drug.

Information not covered in the TraceGains Interactions Checker™: Side effects that may be caused by a drug; Interactions between two or more drugs; Interactions between alcohol and specific nutrients; Interactions between drugs and water (for example, drugs inducing dehydration).

Although the drug information in this product is extensive, it does not include every drug-nutrient or drug-herb interaction. Therefore, if a drug is not mentioned, drug-food, drug-nutrient, or drug-herb interactions may still exist. Finally, new interactions discovered between published updates will appear in the next published update.

For these reasons, it is not sufficient to rely solely on the information presented here. It is always wise for people seeking information about interactions between a prescription drug and food, specific nutrients, or herbs to talk with their pharmacist, prescribing physician, or both.

Copyright © 2020 TraceGains, Inc. All rights reserved.

​Copyright © 2017 FDB. All rights reserved.
Your report does not provide Drug to Drug interactions. This tool only checks interactions between drugs and supplements.